
Showing posts from 2013

Spotted on GoGirl

Here I go! Currently happy because my recommendation about top 5 Indonesian Indie Band spotted on Gogirl Magazine this October edition. Actually cannot believe! It's always exciting sharing my favorites, especially Indonesian pride! Not only through blog/twitter but it's already printed on magazine. :') And when I posted it on social media, surprisingly got 45 likes on Instagram, 15 retweets on Twitter (including Marcell Siahaan, I don't even mentioned him but he might be agreed with me).... and 18 emoticons on Path. Not so many but those just meant a lottttt. In fact, got a spot on magazine is my little dream since junior high school, hehe. Seems like mission completed!

Banda Neira

Ada yang tahu tentang Banda Neira? Ya, Banda Neira adalah sebuah pulau yang terletak di Maluku. Namun, tahukah kamu kalau Banda Neira juga merupakan sebuah band indie asal Bandung? Banda Neira hanya terdiri atas dua kepala yaitu Rara Sekar, aktivis HAM/pekerja sosial dan Ananda Badudu, wartawan harian Tempo. Band ini dibentuk atas dasar hobi semata, tidak untuk diseriusi awalnya. Ketika lagu-lagu mereka diunggah di situs Soundcloud , tanpa disangka banyak yang suka. Akhirnya mereka pun jadi semangat dalam menciptakan karya baru hingga merilis sebuah album bertajuk "Berjalan Lebih Jauh" pada bulan April 2013 lalu. Asal mula kenal band ini, dari rekomendasi seorang senior waktu SMA dulu, kak Pradipta. Ternyata setelah dengar beberapa lagu, saya langsung suka! Lagu-lagu Banda Neira beda dengan lagu kebanyakan. Seperti aliran yang mereka usung yaitu nelangsa pop. Kalem tapi dalem. Saking senangnya sama band ini, saya selalu dengerin tiap hari. Terus tiba-tiba dapat i...

Musik Lokal (Vol II)

Continued from the last post Musik Lokal , I am glad to let you all know another indie and major music which mostly new favorites of mine. Here I have Angsa & Serigala, Banda Neira, Adhitia Sofyan, The Trees & The Wild, Payung Teduh, Maliq & d'Essentials, Endah & Rhesa, Ayushita, Dini Budiayu, Monita Tahalea, Matthew Sayersz, Abdul & The Coffee Theory and Legna. You may never notice some of them, but just give your ears a listen. You don't know that you will love them the way I do. So proud to say that they are Indonesian. Hope you enjoy these adorable sounds!

Meet Vierratale

Happily I made it again. Me and partners, Bell, Abdul and Claudia went to Sedona Hotel to reach Vierratale. We took some photos right before they're back to Jakarta. When we met, Widy said 'hi' while gave a high five one by one to us, then she asked that we were fasting or not. She told that she didn't because of something. Well, thanks for asking, Wid! Always keep that friendly. Tryan and Raka also did the same, they said 'hello' shook hands and smile. Kinda sad, that I didn't take any photos with Kevin but shook hand and said hi only. Never mind, wish there will be next time. Salam Vii! ;)


Usai menulis tentang musik, kali ini saya akan beralih pada karya sastra puisi seseorang. Hal ini berawal dari kesenangan saya membaca twit-twit para penulis yang berlalu-lalang di timeline twitter setiap hari. Para penulis yang pandai merangkai kata hingga menjadikan kalimat yang mengeyuhkan hati ataupun membangkitkan amarah. Nah, salah satu penulis favorit saya adalah Rahne Putri. Saya mengagumi setiap rangkaian kata yang ia tulis di twitter, akhirnya saya membaca blognya, Sadgenic "Immortally Mellow, Silly & Over Romantic" . Blog ini menyuguhkan kalimat dan puisi yang sangat romantis dan kadang membuat nelangsa. Dengan penuh semangat, saya langsung membeli buku yang berjudul serupa blognya.

Meet Drew

Heeey! I met Sashi Gandarum, Aji Yudo, Putra and Rishanda. Yes, I met DREW! Totally contented and gleeful. Such a pleasure to meet my all time favorite local indie band that produced by Andi Rianto , personally. I listened to them since 2008 when their first single 'Unromantic' popped up 'till now. They already released an album on 2011 titled 'Sing With Drew' consists of 11 tracks. Another fact, they also contributed in Rectoverso Movie Soundtrack 'Hanya Isyarat' that originally created by Dewi Lestari . Awesome!  My first impression to them that they are very humble and friendly. They shook hands and introduced their name one by one to me first! No need to ask but Sashi took the initiative to ask my name and write it on the album. I'm flattered. Really. Oh ya, their manager is also the best! Very kind, thanks to mas Rinto. Wish to see them again next time. All the success to you, DREW!

Musik Lokal

Beberapa waktu lalu tanpa sengaja terbaca twit seseorang mengenai lagu jaman sekarang yang udah gak karuan, barat maupun Indonesia. Nino Kayam pun bilang lagu sekarang banyak yang ngeluh. Duh, kemana ya lagu-lagu yang punya mutu dan kualitas itu? Bukan hanya enak didengar namun kalo bisa bermakna.  Sebagai penikmat musik, kita harus selektif memilih lagu, sebab banyak juga lagu yang menjerumuskan walaupun enak di telinga. Beginilah jadinya kalo sebagian besar industri lebih tunduk pada selera mayoritas. Entahlah, sounds good is not forever good I think. That makes me miss the 90's music so bad when both music and lyric are worth to enjoy. Terakhir dengar lagu-lagu barat yang asik tuh tahun 2011. Sekarang? Bisa dihitung pake jari. Segitu minimnya kah? Berdasarkan kuping saya, merasa lebih menikmati karya lokal band/penyanyi indie sih. Lagu-lagunya beda dan BAGUS semua! Mungkin ga banyak orang yang tahu tentang mereka, but they have that quality for sure. Let's see: ...

Xpresi Party Manado Post 2013 With RAN

Finally, got the chance after 3 years waiting! I extremely happy and excited not only to meet yet greet my favorite local musicians RAN, face to face. RAN were kind and humble, they kept saying 'thank you' to us for our appreciation. That's what true artists must do. When we met, Nino talked more active than the others, I guess maybe because he is a radio announcer yea. So far, they were nice and friendly too. I really HOPE they would come here often. :) Here they are! Entertained participants of Xpresi Manado Post Competition 2013 at Score! Manado. So lucky that I watched them very close right in front of the stage.  @ RANforyourlife @ RANforyourlife

Surya Alterego With Ello


Meet Febrian in February

My very first time watching on air performance in my own town. It's quite embarrassing but whatever. I'm so glad met Febrian for the second time. He still recognized me as well. Haha! Thank you for being kind and humble. :)

Malam Minggu Miko

Malam Minggu Miko adalah serial komedi tentang pengalaman absurd Miko (Raditya Dika) dan teman baiknya Rian (Ryan Adriandhy) dalam menghadapi setiap malam minggu. Tayang setiap hari Senin dan Sabtu di KompasTV. Berhubung tv kabel saya tidak menyiarkan KompasTV, maka secara tanpa sengaja saya menonton serial Malam Minggu Miko di youtube. Awalnya saya pikir bakal garing, karena saya orangnya susah ketawa kalo nonton komedi. Ternyata saya salah, baru nonton di awal aja udah ngakak. Radit, Rian, dan pembantunya gokil abis! Saya pun melanjutkan nonton episode-episode lainnya yang tak kalah lucu. Suka banget nonton ini karena ceritanya pendek, sekali habis dan lucunya natural. Mau tahu serunya kayak apa? Coba deh buka channel radityadika . Disitu udah ada sekitar 14 episode Malam Minggu Miko. Ini ada beberapa episode yang saya rekomen, selamat menikmati! :D