
Showing posts from June, 2013

Meet Drew

Heeey! I met Sashi Gandarum, Aji Yudo, Putra and Rishanda. Yes, I met DREW! Totally contented and gleeful. Such a pleasure to meet my all time favorite local indie band that produced by Andi Rianto , personally. I listened to them since 2008 when their first single 'Unromantic' popped up 'till now. They already released an album on 2011 titled 'Sing With Drew' consists of 11 tracks. Another fact, they also contributed in Rectoverso Movie Soundtrack 'Hanya Isyarat' that originally created by Dewi Lestari . Awesome!  My first impression to them that they are very humble and friendly. They shook hands and introduced their name one by one to me first! No need to ask but Sashi took the initiative to ask my name and write it on the album. I'm flattered. Really. Oh ya, their manager is also the best! Very kind, thanks to mas Rinto. Wish to see them again next time. All the success to you, DREW!

Musik Lokal

Beberapa waktu lalu tanpa sengaja terbaca twit seseorang mengenai lagu jaman sekarang yang udah gak karuan, barat maupun Indonesia. Nino Kayam pun bilang lagu sekarang banyak yang ngeluh. Duh, kemana ya lagu-lagu yang punya mutu dan kualitas itu? Bukan hanya enak didengar namun kalo bisa bermakna.  Sebagai penikmat musik, kita harus selektif memilih lagu, sebab banyak juga lagu yang menjerumuskan walaupun enak di telinga. Beginilah jadinya kalo sebagian besar industri lebih tunduk pada selera mayoritas. Entahlah, sounds good is not forever good I think. That makes me miss the 90's music so bad when both music and lyric are worth to enjoy. Terakhir dengar lagu-lagu barat yang asik tuh tahun 2011. Sekarang? Bisa dihitung pake jari. Segitu minimnya kah? Berdasarkan kuping saya, merasa lebih menikmati karya lokal band/penyanyi indie sih. Lagu-lagunya beda dan BAGUS semua! Mungkin ga banyak orang yang tahu tentang mereka, but they have that quality for sure. Let's see: ...